Never deviating from the Pretty Kitty again! As long as I can help it my waxes will be at the Pretty Kitty. After flouncing around a bit at different waxing places I can't help but come back to PK and be completely and utterly happy with my wax. The wax itself, the niceties of the staff, and the quick, quick, super QUICK, yet good job the waxers do.
I've been to other salons around town which shall go unnamed and I have been ranging from disappointed to downright pissed with my wax job. I have also realized I much prefer normal wax over hard wax. Yadda yadda, there's pros and cons to both. However I know one thing - normal wax is less painful for me.
When I went to get my brazilian, I also got my eyebrows done. Victoria does a fab job with eyebrows. I have never had that much attention paid to my brows. She waxes, plucks, and snips all the wayward hairs away. I was left with perfectly waxed and trimmed brows.
I could not be happier with the waxing services I receive from PK.