| - I love VC.
I'd like to begin my review by saying that I am a member, frequent customer and friends with the staff.
I love how the staff greet you with a friendly smile, tend to your needs accordingly, joke with you at the snack bar, and discuss ANYTHING with you. Literally anything. Legislation, the city, restaurants, cats, you name it, they'll talk to you about it.
I love how the music is excellent and depending on when you go, you'll hear dubstep, classic rock, indie alternative, gangster rap, classic hip-hop, electro, etc and occasionally a movie is shown on the TVs. Good movies too!
I love how the munchies bar has virtually any candy, soda, chips you could want and friendly staff to tell you what's available if you're too blazed to figure it out yourself. The stuff is cheap as hell too!
Weedy Wednesdays (the weekly comedy show) is the best! There is a bong hitting competition at the end where two random people hit a bong, dance to music and the crowd decides which one gets the prize: Smoking Papers, filters, and a Ukrainian Gypsy-Proof lighter that has a retractable lanyard thingy on it so you can clip it to your pants and not worry about Ukrainian gypsies stealing it from you and taking it to their underground lair and putting a curse on you or something...the guy there explains it best.
My ONLY GRIPE with the place is that it is up a big flight of stairs. If you're high as hell and you're leaving the place you get paranoid as hell, hoping you won't trip up and fall even though you probably won't. Unnecessary anxiety is never a good thing.
Once I went outside for a cigarette (you can only smoke weed and hash at VC - no tobacco or blunts) and tripped over my shoelace and whacked my head on a guy's bike as he was passing by. I was knocked out for a few minutes and my eye was leaking blood. Long story short I needed stitches and I have an ugly scar that exists on my face to this day, but the staff, upon hearing about what happened, cleaned my wound with alcohol, bandaged me and got me a bottle of Nestea for free.
Being a member, I get in for free ($5 when there's a show), I get half price bong rentals, and discounts at the front where they sell papers, pipes and whatnot. It's totally worth it if you go often.
Long story short, I love VC.