| - Fuck this place.
Yes, I said it and even after 6 years, I will still say it.
So the girls and I are on a tear it up Vegas weekend. All very cute and sessy gals for the record and all gals who appreciate the less than finer things in life like fake boobied strippers, over-priced drinks and titty bars.
So we cab it over to the Crazy Horse Too after hearing that THIS was THE place to go. We roll up and instantly get static at the door. You can't come in without a date. Um, okay, well we are a bunch of girls with lots of money to spend? NO! But...? NO!
So we walk a few feet away and regroup while trying to keep the temper of one Drunky MaGoo down to a manageable level since the a-hole of a door guy was especially rude to this one girl in our group. I suggest grabbing a few guys and rollin in with them. I mean who cares, we can ditch them at the door but at least it gets us in. So we latch onto said guys and walk up.
Door guy says, NO!
I say, "You said dates, these are our dates. We are in love, let us in." (Mind you I'm drunk and his anger is amusing me at this point)
Door guy says, "fine you can come in, but that one stays out!" (pointing to my friend)
I say, "Come on, don't be THAT guy, did mama raise you to be THAT guy? She just really wants to see some boobs, surely you can relate."
Apparently he couldn't, but I also think he was suffering from mama abandonment issues and clearly wasn't loved enough as a child, but I digress...
He then decides that none of us should be allowed to come in. Fine, I'd rather not go if my friend is going to not be let in, so just give us our money back and we will go spend it elsewhere, right?
Apparently this is when the poor chap lost all sense of hearing as i became invisible and mute in his eyes.
"Excuse me, I said we'll go. Can you please just give us our money back?"
Retard Roy then starts smirking and it is quite clear that the four of us who "got in" will not be getting our money back, even though we technically never even entered the club.
I then followed up with calls to the establishment the next day that were (to no surprise) never returned. Maybe they are in cahoots with Prime Time Shuttle as their customer service seems to be pretty dead on.
So if you are a girl don't go here. If you are a guy, have at it, but why waste your money on a place that won't let cute girls in who might actually go home with you for free. Just sayin.