So I went into a cookie and a cupcake to get my sister a cake for her 11th birthday. When I picked up the cake I was ecstatic at how the cake looked and thought it was adorable! But here's the downfall, on my arrival home I opened the cake box to find that it had BROKEN. The theme of the party was "art studio" and the cake was a paint pail, the lid of the cake was hanging off the side and made of fondant, which was too heavy to do with nothing underneath it. The edge ended up breaking off before the party even started and the cake looked like crap for the party. The cake designers should have known and possibly made the part a bit smaller/thinner or not have hung the lid off as far. All in all I think the premise has good intentions, however, using basic logic the whole situation could have been avoided. I will not be returning to a cookie a a cupcake.