This has been my go to car wash since it opened well over 15 years and boy has it gone down hill.
Today I arrived at 12:20pm with only one other car waiting in the ticket writing/vacuum area. There was one guy vacuuming the other car and 4 others standing there. Each, at some point in my ridiculous 5+minute wait for my ticket to be written, came over to offer me an oil change, a wind shield replacement, fuel etc but not one could write a ticket. Finally the magic ticket writer appeared and wrote my ticket.
My car went through the car wash in sub 3 minutes as it was out before I was done paying and it was evident how 'fabulous' of a job they did on the vacuuming. Clearly nothing had been done but I was just over this whole experience.
Waiting outside in this lovely 105+ heat, I noticed they have turned their misters off as well. Great customer experience and satisfaction...not! The inside was barely wiped down but I didn't want to spend one more minute here. Also, while I was inside the cashier was very sweet and when I commented that they needed more ticket writers, she agreed. Not sure how Danny's expects to increase sales if you can't even get a ticket written! Better yet, how about they cross train one of the 4 guys standing around doing nothing to write a ticket in a timely manner.
As a final note, when I pulled away I went left, not right as most people do and saw 5 more Danny's employees hanging out under a tree. Guess I know where all everyone went. Later Danny's!