Jason is the shit, he starts pouring me and my friend a drink the moment he sees us - already knows what we want, too (unless we're ordering something other than our usual beers of course). There's this other bar tender we've nicknamed "Snapback Guy" cause of his hat and lack of knowing his name. He looks like a crusty San Diego surfer dude. He sucks at pouring a beer. Every time, it's never filled to the top because he dumps a bunch out before giving it to me, gives me one lime when i order a tall glass - Jason hooks it up with 2 usually and the girls give me 3 or 4 limes - and just sucks over all. There's this new girl, i think she's new, that I want to say is a waitress and not a bartender but she's super friendly, got our order wrong once but they were drinks so like... it was an easy fix, no big deal.
It seems like the men's room is broken 90% of the time in some way, shape or form. Never tried their food cause bar food is notoriously bad (which is why i find all of these "the food sucks!" comments hilarious. Have you never been to another bar? All of their food sucks. Its good after you're drunk!). The other customers are generally friendly. Sometimes there's people doing lines in the bathroom but they're friendly about it so I let them do their thing. No harm no foul. I'd say the bar is pretty solid except for their bathroom and the service can leave something