What I loved:
Her production was absolutely breathtaking!
Her dancers were sexy and gave us a fun show!
She did all her hits which I grew up on and love!
She looked HOT!
What sucked:
She lip synced but I can forgive that. Homegirl got old- she was huffing and puffing and couldn't catch her breath. So I'm kind of glad she was lip syncing!
She danced like she was in rehearsal. Like, at least give us your 100% when u dance if you're not singing but no, she just did a few lazy twirls and jazz hands and walking around the stage. Boo for the fans who were excited to see her.
Tip: spend the extra money and get seats in the front. THERE ARE NO SCREEN SHOTS OF HER PERFORMANCE. I couldn't see her facial expressions because our seats were middle tier and it sucked. The expensive seats (by the stage) had the most fun.
It was fun for the bachelorette party but I don't think I will ever go to another Britney concert again.