| - Our son was born 3 months early and spent 3 months and a week in Phoenix childrens hospital. 3 months at the one inside Banner good sam, 1 week at the main campus on thomas. I could write a book about the incompetence of the nurses (a handful were very good), and the NAL Group (that is the doctor group assigned to my child). Firs the nursing staff: there was almost zero consistency with the staff. After 2.5 months our son was still being seen by new nurses all the time. The doctors in the NAL Group just treat symptoms and can`t tie 2 simple things together. We had been asking the dr`s for 3 months why our little boy was swollen in the groin, they simply said "it`s just water retention because he is laying on an incline". 3 days before the scheduled discharge date I pulled a dr in to actually hands on examine him (which they rarely do) and he said "wow he might have a hernia, lets run a test". Turns out he did have a pretty bad hernia, which is common in premie boys, they are born with it. They also attempted to take our son off breast milk and put him on formula WITHOUT telling us, because they thought his feedings needed to be thickened. Our son was constipated since birth, again common in premie`s, but the dr`s would only give him prune or pear juice which only made him gassy. So when that didn`t work they would give him a glycerin suppository just about every other day. One nurse actually said an old drug reglan used to work so good, its a shame they black balled it. I informed the nurse there are major class action lawsuits about the drugs nasty side effects. Our peditrician recommended chamomile tea and valarium root brewed... he pooped 3 hours later on his own. We went out of town for 2 nights and they did a barium swallow on him, moved him out of the unit, into good sam and did not even tell us, just a voicemail 2 hours before doing it. The end medical bill is over $800k and PCH does not even validate parking, because banner owns the parking garage!
If your child ends up at pch spend as much time as you can there, ask questions and question everything they say.