| - Came through here NYE on the way to/from the Strip. I think there is wifi available but I don't think I actually used it, so can't attest to quality.
You are definitely not allowed to sleep, or even close your eyes, or even mime resting in here. That's pretty much all I gathered, as the security guards did nothing but stalk after and pester anyone who even looked like they might fall asleep. They certainly did not help my sister and I, or walk around and make sure people were, you know, secure. They just seemed like d*cks honestly, hence the low review. Transit was giving free rides all night to help with transport around town and keep drunk driving down (bravo Las Vegas, btw!) and I heard these guards tell these clearly down-on-their-luck human beings, "Hey, you're getting a free ride tonight, you better appreciate it!" Barf. What a butthead move.
Bus service was fine and on time, but those guards really left a sour taste in my mouth.