| - First, the good: Clark County Libraries are up with the times as far as technology and quick check-out (mainly because the technology allows you to do it yourself, because the help desk is a nightmare, but that's another topic). They have a lot of variety and an online search, account maintenance, and renewal service that is very convenient.
Now, the rest. What are libraries mostly known for? That's right - SHHHHHH!! I came to work on a project, figuring that the library would be quiet and cool.
Heading straight to the back, past all the signs that ask for quiet and insist that no food or liquids are allowed on the premises, I landed in the near-empty study area. Nice and quiet.
A security guard passed by me and then met up with one of his buddies. They proceeded to have a long, LOUD conversation - "HEY BUDDY HOW YA DOIN??!!'" - and yammered on and on and on. Meanwhile, someone's totally unsupervised toddler ran screaming back and forth behind me. This was not the kid's section - nowhere near it. With the guard otherwise engaged who do I complain to? I finally gave up, packed my stuff, and went in search of another area.
Downstairs - where the wifi doesn't work at all and the smelly weirdos hang out by the magazine racks - was not much better. One annoying guy refused to turn off his rap-song ring tone, which went off every 3 minutes. The guard for that area flatly ignored him, too. Wonder what those guards are getting paid for?
Ended up at a Starbucks, where, even with the latte machine blasting away and people coming and going, it was still quieter and the wifi worked better.