Ive been to Zia a few times and I loved it! I loved all the music and comic book merchandise that I've only ever been able to find online. Great selection of stuff and decently priced but nothing could ever get me to set foot back into that store after what happened to me today. Me and my brother went to zia to get a couple of gifts after we found what we wanted and paid we then proceeded to leave until I beeped on the way through the doorway sensor. Then some lady who I guess was the manager came rushing up to me and I have nothing to hide so I opened up my purse to show her there was nothing in it. She then told me in a very VERY rude tone "i'm going to need you to open up all the pockets in your purse" so I did and while she's searching see yells across to another employee if i beeped on the way in and he said no she didn't. She then tells me to walk through the sensor without my purse so I did and the alarm didn't go off. Then she waves my purse through the sensors and it doesn't go off. She hands me back my purse and says (still in her rude tone) "obviously something is going on because you didn't beep on the way in but ok whatever" and then points me to the door basically telling me to leave. Now lets think about this logically I don't beep on the way in, I beep once on the way out and she is right there by my side after the alarm goes off, she searches my purse and all the pockets (which btw i'm pretty sure its illegal for her to demand to search my stuff but I cooperated anyway), then I walk through I don't beep, and then she puts my purse through it doesn't beep. I know how it seems beeping on the way out but not on the way in but still after the search the extra walks through the sensor and NOTHING I still "obviously stole something". After reading all the other reviews I see i'm not the only one who has been treated horribly by this place. Their lack of customer service is going to catch up with them. The second another place similar to zia opens up they will undoubtably go out of business unless they can clean up their staff and maybe hire some people with manners.