Well that was disappointing. I didn't see anything here that would make me want to pay 39c per ounce when other nearby popular places only charge 30c. Less flavors, less toppings (the flyer says over 50 but there are only 27 bins?), and the store is just ugly (and a confusing layout). The quality wasn't as good either - the red velvet tasted like cough syrup. No thanks, I'll stick to Yogurtland.
I got a nice message from Branden P, "Owner", in my inbox.
"Youre a fu*kin f*g! Come back to Vegas you h*m* and Ill kick your fu*king a$s for writing your bullsh*t review. I got a hacker friend going to find out your IP Address. Wait til I come to your fu*king door and review YOU!!! lol"
In response to his public comments, my review was written 8 months ago when the price was 39c and according to other reviews it has since been lowered to be more competitive (which is a good thing). It's easy to accuse someone of being a shill, but I definitely don't see any indication of that in my other reviews - particularly as this is the only yogurt business I've reviewed. I just happen to prefer Yogurtland for self-serve in Vegas. (And for the record, I'm a financial analyst in the consumer finance industry - nothing at all related to the restaurant industry.)