If you want to have a bad service, rude and if you like to be mislead to buy services you don't need ... You got your place.
Took my hand made Italian and Egyptian linen shirts because I didn't want to do it myself in a machine that I don't know. First time was 4 out of 10, but ok, I would fix it at home. The blue shirt had a color faded like it was washed 20 times in just one. Ok again.
Second time ... Ohhhh boy! Aside from the rude attendant that Started to speak Spanish about me like I didn't understand (I do) and said that The same shirt should be dry cleaned, that it would be better. Well the buttons on my best linen shirt was overheated and the fabric inside the collar were overheated and the madre-perola buttons were completed destroyed like destroyed!!!
Complaining with the owner took 4 weeks and no answer and no solution. Result: set of old, worn out, very expensive no good linen shirts.
Congratulation Fashion Cleaners ...