I brought my GF here to prove that the hulk SmashBurger was better than 5guys. Bad choice of location!
I've been to the camelback and avondale location and I was very satisfied. This Tempe Smash was dirty and a swing of the kitchen door, it was even more dirty in back EWW. The cashier lady was nice and helpful except for the price she gave me 17 bucks for two burgers "1w/Bacon&Jalenpenos" and fries...Ouch My Pocket! No doubt SmashBurgers are amazing just guess the two guys in back were more interested in the RapMusic and smiling or laughing at customers than making my burger. They messed up my order with condiments and burgermeat wasn't cooked correctly and tasted wack. Deciding to go back to complain I decided to waste my time on Yelp.
My GF loves when I'm wrong. Should've went with chinese...Ill go back to SMash but NOT Tempe Smash to prove her wrong.