| - Just bought a $2000 worth of ??? from the store yesterday, the staff was rude. Especially the female sale person, not helpful at all. The male sale was okay, however, he needs to ask everything from the female sales person. Consider a customer buying that $$$ amount of items, you treat them with no manner not even to mention customer service. If I am the manager, I would address this matter immediatly since the brand is going down with these kind of staff working for you.
The thing I concern the most is, their stuff said they can't grarentee their product, if there is something is fake within the product I purchsed, it is possible. OMG, are you seriously giving me these answers? I urged her to call her manager to confirm. She didn't want to do it at first, and she asked me to come another day when the manager is here and confirm that with the manager.
The experience was horrible, the products are okay, but they should replace the sales. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE and RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!