| - I've been here twice and left confused on my first visit and disappointed after my second.
When I saw there was a champagne lounge, I was like a moth to a flame. Champagne cocktails make my world. I had friends here from out of town, and I picked Fizz to meet up for a pre-dinner cocktail. I knew about the BOGO offer for wine and well drinks, so that was also a plus.
The place is beautiful, but it's narrow. And those beautiful booths? Face palm. They have a minimum, which changes depending when you go. If I recall correctly, the first time I went it was about $600-$700, which doing the quick calculation in my head, I knew 8 people wouldn't meet that for pre-dinner drinks. I told them thanks, but we'll hang out at the bar. The place was empty, booths were empty, it was about 5:30pm/6pm. I've been to similar set-ups in Vegas that turn into a high-end lounge later in the evening that let you sit wherever in the early hours when no one is really there. I guess they realized how ludicrous it was to make us all stand around in a nearly empty place, so they actually approached us and told us we could sit if we wanted. So, 10 minutes ago you were trying to haggle hundreds of dollars out of me, then 10 minutes later, it's free. Uh...ok. Thanks?
We all sit down and the server comes by and hands us ONE iPad menu. For 8 people. Can I just have a side bar here and say I HATE iPad drink menus that are all ~hip~ now. Maybe I'm old and cranky in my ripe old age of 32, but they are always slow, I accidentally skip pages that others see, and because it's an iPad and not a printed book or paper, they always only give the table one. Then after 10 minutes, the server always comes back and no, we're not ready. I'm too busy going back and flipping forward, and I feel like a total menu hog, and OMG JUST GIVE ME PAPER. Now whenever I go out to eat or to a bar and I see the server walking over with one menu for 4+ people, I always ask for an additional one. They always accommodate, but for real, I think it should just be a given.
The drinks were good, but we all left without giving a second thought to the place. It just wasn't a very smooth experience. Service was OK, but it wasn't warm and inviting.
Visit #2, I brought some other friends back after a show. Same deal with the tables having a minimum, but at least this time the place had so many people we had to kind of crowd around each other. My friend's cocktail was served in a warm glass fresh out of the dishwasher which made a cucumber matinee not so refreshing. Underwhelmed again.
What prompted me to write this review is a groupon email I just got which offers unlimited mimosas or martinis for $36 for a 2 hour time period. That combined with the BOGO - I don't get it. If you're needing to do BOGO and special groupon promotions to get people through the door, why are you haggling table minimums? It's confusing and turns what wants to be a high-end champagne bar into a flea market experience.