Came by this wingstop 4-20 8:30pm my online order came out to 31.46 when I got there to pick up my order the cashier told me "10 cents left over" Thats literally all she said after charging my card and having me sign. So yes I was totally confused. She then began to tell me I still owed 10 cents. I asked why? She said it usually happens when people dont have money. I was shocked she said that to me!!! Gave her cash to cover the 10 cents. But at this point I was worried my account maybe had been frozen and I was embarrassed with a line forming behind me. I ordered a large fountain drink and what do you know it went through. So if this isn't something on my end then why am i being accused by the cashier of being broke? Why am I the one who is being embarrassed? For what? Your system is flawed. Clearly. She said this happens to other people too. Sad. Customers being embarrassed on a regular basis. Even if I didn't have money the transaction wouldn't go through period. Its not like a loan where you on get approved for a certain amount ams then owe the rest thats not how debit or credit card transactions work. All this just to get some DRYER then this desert we live in wings.