I'm not a burger girl, but I loved the sweet and spicy burger here. The jalepeno's were incredible, the burger cooked perfectly medium rare and the sweet potato fritters were delicious. I could have eaten a whole order of them on my own, easy! The BF had a peppercorn burger that he raved about and his mom tried the portabello mushroom sandwich (she doesnt eat meat) and liked that as well.
The atmosphere was cool and comfy, great booths and spectacular bar. The service was excellent and the doughnut desert was our most favorite thing of all. The dipping sauce that came with them should be illegal! Its that good! We were embarassed but still wiped the bowl it was served in clean with our fingers. Our server said that most everyone who orders it does the same thing!
***One tip I'd like to pass along- all of the food comes out HOT! My BF dug in too soon and seared the top of his mouth something awful. (it is cooked in a zillion degree oven or something) lol! Have restraint and let it cool. That kind of pain lingers.