I would give this zero stars if I could.
I asked for a strong pressure massage the man barely touched me. We agreed to pay the upgraded price (which of course was more than advertised) so we could get more time on our backs. We had an extremely short treatment on our backs, which was extremely mediocre at best. This was the worst massage I have ever had in my life, I'm super disappointed.
Both masseuses texted and spoke on their phones while giving us our massages. They also left the room for long periods of time and you know they didn't give us extra time.
The place reeked of mold/mildew, honestly should've left as soon as I entered. We only went because Oriental Relax was closed for renovations. Don't make the mistake of going to this place.
And after I gave a 30% tip which they didn't deserve the woman at the register laughed and asked for more, they actually followed us outside asking for more money.
Trust me skip this place.