| - I am a first time mom, delivered with Dr. Harter January 2016, who is a great doctor, but this hospital is a nightmare to deliver at. If you have Dr. Harter and want to deliver here, educate yourself before you deliver here.
My birth was an emergency induction because my daughter was iugr (not growing inside my belly) and I became high risk. I originally had planned to do a water birth but the hospital would not allow us to do that since I was now high risk. I was 36 weeks and 6 days and my daughter was looking at weighing right under 5 pounds, she was below the 5th percentile according to the ultrasounds. Dr. Harter put a balloon inside me to help dilate me and get labor started the day before my induction. He did this in his office, it was painless and worked.
I arrived the next day at centennial for my 11 am induction. The nurse checked to see how dilated I was and she said I was 4cm, which I was stoked for!!! She then told me it was not a real dilation since I had the balloon inside me and I needed to prepare for a long day because I was being induced. She started me on Pitocin at 12:30 pm and the very light contractions began. I was able to socialize and talk with everyone and even joke about ohhh hey is that a contraction. At this point I had my iv in my left arm, blood pressure cuff on the right (going off every 15 mins) and two belts wrapped around my belly measuring contractions and stress. I hated being strapped down to the bed in the gross hospital gown. I felt trapped and confined but I knew this was the best thing to don for my baby.
At 2 pm Dr. Harter arrived to check on me and said he could break my water to help stimulate labor naturally and avoid increasing my Pitocin levels. I agreed and he broke my water. I had asked the nurse if I could move around and if I could drink water, originally she said no but then Dr. Harter said it was fine. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A NURSE EHO SUPPORTS DR HARTER. You could tell she was annoyed. After Dr. Harter left my husband said she increased the Pitocin.
By 3 pm I am in horrible, horrendous, excruciating pain. I cry because I'm stuck to this bed and I shake with every contraction that is attacking my body every few minutes. The only relief I find is on the toilet *shudder* as I rock violently forward and back, feeling like I have to poop. At this point I say screw the wires and connections, I'm staying in the damn bathroom. Then I realize this labor could last for HOURS and although I prepared to do hypnobirthing and have a drug free birth, this Pitocin was too much and I turned to my Husband with tears in my eyes and i said I need an epidural. He asked me again if I really wanted to do his and I cried and wailed that I couldn't do this, like this, tied to a bed. So the nurse tells us that we have to go through two IV bags before we can do the epidural and it will take 45 mins, she tells us at 3:15 pm. So I focus my brain on 45 minutes, I can do this, I can do this.
3:30 pm in walks the rudest epidural nurse in the world. She Doesn't explain that this process will take 15-20 minutes and that I have to breathe through the contractions and not move as she does it. I had thought she could plan it out and do in between contractions. She continues to yell at me and tell me she won't do it because I can't stop moving. This angel nurse came in and looked me in the eyes and said sweetie, you can't move during these contractions, you have to breathe through them and we will get you the pain relief. I had to strain, grit my teeth, and clench everything inside my body, telling myself if you don't do this now, suffer now, you will be in God awful pain the rest of this labor. So I did it. I sucked it up and got the epidural. The sweet angel nurse then asked when I had last been checked and I told her, I had been checked when Dr. Harter was here, around 2 pm when he broke my water. So she checks me and I'm 10 CENTIMETERS DILATED! No wonder I was in hellish pain, I was ready to push! The original nurse came back in and the sweet angel nurse told her she would take over and care for me. The angel nurse lubbed me and up and her and my husband helped me push and Dr. Harter arrived around 4:30 for me to push my daughter out at 4:57 pm. I didn't tear and luckily I only used 10% of my epidural. I was up walking around a few hours later and able to pee without the cathedar.
So this is when the nightmare began. My daughter was born 5 pounds and "healthy" even though we had an emergency induction. So while we are being moved to the post room, we tell every nurse our situation because you have to tell everyone over and over again. Our night nurses were great but we didn't sleep much and we really wanted to go home and we were told we could go home 24 hours after her birth. So the day nurses tell us that I, new mom, have to attend this post birth class at 11am. What the f? Continued on next review from from my husband's account