I really loved their Iced Mint Tea Lemonade. After a thirsty shopping spree, I needed a cool and refreshing drink. The eatery at Eaton's Center is the least zen-like place ever. I shudder coming here, as I get dizzy just looking at all the people. I have neither the energy nor aggressive attitude to bee-line towards a coveted table, and eak it out against 10 other people.
That being said, Aroma has their own little nook area and as my parents and I found a table, I saw a few other tables spare up. I like the concept - line up here to place your order and then move a bit to the side to pick your order up.
I saw many people ordering their salads which comes in a sizeable bowl. Because I was going to be eating dinner soon, I opted for a cool Mint Lemonade which, at first, is sour, but then turns into icey sweetness.
This place is a nice break from shopping.