I came in here because well, everything in Cleveland seems like closed on Sunday. It was my first time ever stopping in a Chipotles and I must say, I was beyond pleasantly surprised.
I got the burrito bowl with the carnitas. The thing was huge and it really hit the spot. Everything was flavorful and tender.
There's something about the combination of tender flavorful meat mixed with sour cream and hot sauce that really brings a smile to my face.
Thanks for the experience!
The bonus here was how nice the crew was. The dude who ordered in front of me ordered his meal with every single topping added to his meal. I would have been annoyed as Hell, if I had to deal with this diva, but the staff took care of him with smiles.
I'm not sure why this place isn't rated higher, but I shall gladly give this place 4 stars. I left happy.