Imagine a petite young girl handling a very large rifle, and you have the sum of my experiences at Shooter's World. I've taken advantage of several of their services including Ladies' Night and the CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapons) class.
I really like Ladies Night because it is a cheap way to let off a little steam, if you have the proper anatomy anyways. The range fees and rental fees are waived, so all you have to pay for is ammo. I make my conservative parents proud when I bust a cap in Osama bin Laden's cardboard forehead.
The CCW class is very informative, and completely unnecessary now that Senate Bill 1108 is official. The curriculum is really well-rounded; they cover gun maintenance, safety, and laws in other states. I feel a little more comfortable around guns thanks to this class.
The staff is very helpful with any questions about firearms. I often feel ignorant because I am usually the only female in the building (unless it's Ladies' Night), but the staff makes me feel right at home. My only complaint: I wish they would try to find better looking concealed carrying purses.