This review is long overdue! I had gotten two cartilidges on my left ear done here while on vacation in Arizona! The lady at the register as well as my piercer were both very knowledgeable and friendly. I had originally walked in wanting an industrial, but after the piercer took a look at my ear, she calmly and politely informed me that my ear was an improper shape for that specific piercing. If I got the industrial, my ear would have an increased chance of infection, and likely wouldn't heal. She was very professional. I was glad to know that she saw this and didnt pierce me regardless! Though I was dissapointed that I couldn't get the bar, I compromised by getting 2 cartilidge in my left ear instead. I love them to this day! Also, while getting actually pierced, the piercer was very talkative and friendly which helped calm my nerves excessively. I couldnt have had a better experience! Thank you!