WOW, what a total 180! Came here tonight with fond memories of last weeks visit only to be the total polar opposite.
We now know who the infamous "Candy" is..LOL, totally rude af lady that should no way be part of the customer service staff. Like damn! If we weren't meeting other people there night we would have left right at the moment she gave us the most f'ed up attitude In the history of dining out.
That is just the beginning of the horror story though.
After we ordered and were waiting for the food I noticed one of the waitresses coughing profusely into the palm of her hand. Phlegm and everything! Then wiping it on her pant leg. I was like dammmnnnn son! I am not eating anything she is bringing to our table. It ends up she's bringing everything to our table! And to top it off another waitress that brings the food also is sick. This one is holding a flipping used tissue in her hand wiping her nose and then using the same tissue and gripping the plated food with it.
I am totally apologetic to those ppl who may have read my previous review and ate here based off that. You people need to stay away like the Black Plague! It's silent hill up in here!