My aunt and uncle were in town from TN and they stayed at the Venetian so I suggested Bouchon for our breakfast/brunch.
I was impressed. The service was almost over the top but since the server had a young lady in training I understood they might have over did it a little.
It was Friday morning.
Party of three please!
I got their early at 10am and asked for a table by the window...much to my surprise they gave us the far right corner beautiful velvet booth! I waited a little but my party of two got lost and ended up at the Bouchon Bakery.
The food was amazing. So amazing I did not take photos.
My uncle had their quiche of the day which was spinach and it looked FAB! Like out of a Martha Stewart post.
My Aunt got the eggs with the sauteed spinach...HELLO?!?! Auntie had me try the spinach and it was to die! It was warm with TONS of garlic! It was like my great-grandma teleported from heaven and made it just for her! Lovely! Her eggs over easy looked perfect! I forgot to ask her how the tasted!
I ordered the: "Gravlax" smoked salmon with a petite baguette, chive
cream cheese, red onion, tomato & capers (lifted description from menu)
...now I have eaten my weight in smoked salmon from all over the world...
yum this was PERFECT! and tons of food...sooo much food I could not eat it all. One the plate was this mini bagette that I wanted to clone. Soo cute and soo good. It was firm but soft enough for me to tear apart in my hands. The tomatoes were def beautiful. They were sliced def by a mandolin and it was a perfect red heirloom variety. The cream cheese I used sparingly but it had chives in it. I swerved the onions (should have spared them to server) and the capers were perfect. I kept scooping the salmon and carpers over and over...it seemed never ending.
Ok...ok...I'm getting hungry right now.
All and all if you want a no crap non buffet plain and simpl good quality breakfast or lunch GO HERE. Not wanting to feel bloated and miserable GO HERE. Like breakfast but don't really know where to go in Vegas and want a quality clean no fuss meal GO HERE.
That is all.