The worst drive through ever in my in Las Vegas it's soooo bad I was waiting in the drive-through line for more than 20 min, and when I get to the screen order
they ask me to wait for a few seconds and nobody respond to me I was waiting around 10 min, and wen I went inside to speak with the supervisor or the one in charge I find a guy his name Kave i'm not sure if I spelled his name correct because nobody wearing name tag, so he told me "i'm busy cooking so I can't take your order", and the other lady whose taking the drive-through order " says to me we have a bunch of locations in Las Vegas you can go to other location " she's like kicking me out!!
And I listen to her advice but i didn't went to Jack in the box, but I went to other restaurant.
Jack-in-the-Box Hiring Manager!! You should hire people who can manage this location better than losing business because I saw more than 3 cars change their mind from your bad customer service