Strategy for shopping at this location:
Decide what you want before you enter. Once inside, move quickly.
Brace yourself for the noxious fumes. Bring earplugs to dampen the horrible radio station blasting over the sound system.
Try to find reasons not to shop here.
I have no idea what the fumes are. It smells like smoldering industrial waste. I believe this store should be investigated by OSHA.
I asked the cashier how she could tolerate her job. At first, she said, the fumes gave her headaches and sore throats. She eventually got used to it. She tunes out the awful music. I marvel at anyone's ability to tune out sounds suitable for torturing terrorism suspects.
I urge Yelpers to have sympathy for workers stuck in awful jobs. It's her fault, some will say. There's nothing stopping her from getting a better job. It's not that easy. You don't know. Empathy is a trait severely lacking in some segments of the population.
This store occupies the site of a former Sav-On store that stood empty for at least a decade. This strip mall has not been kind to retailers. Food4Less recently cleared out after taking over a former Lucky supermarket location that stood empty for many years.
I wonder if Harbor Freight will succeed where others have failed.