Can not really comment on the cavitation itself. I can say after three session there is no difference what so ever. Probably because they were spaced to far apart. My third session I showed up for the appoint
ment and knocked because I heard some talking and did not want to just walk in another's appointment. After I had knocked I saw a do not disturb hanger on the door knob. So I waited. and waited. and waited. I waited twenty minutes (almost as long as the appointment itself) I could not wait any longer because I had a meeting to go to afterwards. I know Kim had some personal things going on so I called her as I was leaving and left a voicemail letting her know I could not wait any longer and apologizing for it and asked her to please give me a call when she can so we can reschedule. I did not hear from her for a week. I called the very next day and left a voicemail (Wednesday). I called Friday and left a voicemail. and I called Monday and left a voicemail. I was started to get really upset and kinda worried on why she was not calling me back. She seemed really nice and I did not think this type of rude unprofessional behavior could come from her. Finally the next day(Tuesday - one week from original appointment) some woman answered her phone put me on hold and then Kim came on the line. I told her who I was and asked if everything was alright and if she got my messages. She said yeah she was fine and blew off the question on getting my messages. I told her how I waited twenty minutes after my appointment and I just wanted to reschedule and make sure everything was okay. The whole time she seemed irritated and not really listening to what I was saying. "yeah yeah well I was working on a man, I am busy. This week is Thanksgiving I don't have an opening until next week" (lots of attitude ) Okay? that does not explain the unprofessional behavior of not calling me back for a week and having me stand in a hall way for almost a half hour when I paid for a scheduled appointment. But hey whatever I let her get pissy with me when I thought something bad happened and was worried and just stayed smiling and rescheduled. My next appointment was fine. Still no results but no issues, she seemed professional. My next appointment I walk in and someone is on their last part of their appointment so I apologize and go to wait in the hallway. As I am doing so I get a phone call so I figured I have to wait I might as well take this call. It was less than a two minute conversation. So I wait. I go to the bathroom to kill some time. I realize its now almost ten minuted passed my appointment and I was going to miss my meeting and I still had to get dinner on the table for my family. So I go in their and ask her to reschedule. She says "Uh yea, I don't understand why you need to reschedule you are the one who was on the phone" I was shocked! Unbelievably shocked. Her client kept apologizing. I am like OH MY GOD. Your client here is apologizing for YOUR mistake and you are blaming ME? I took the phone call because you still had someone in here. Are you bleeping kidding me? But I keep my cool and I said I have other obligations therefore I need to reschedule."Ugh fine (pause and she is looking through her book) I have next wednesday at whatever time" I was so pissed I was hardly listening. Her unprofessional behavior baffles me. I am a young business owner. Actually in the process of opening another business as well. I am 23. I would NEVER EVER treat or talk to my customers the way she does. I would NEVER be so unprofessional and rude. I have never experienced this type of behavior in person by someone who is supposed to be a mature business woman. I am still in shock. Especially because of the other reviews. I did not go back because of her and I never will.