I had a move a few weeks ago and things generally went fine. The guys were on time and the move was done in 4 hours at 99/hr for two movers. I will note that the movers told me about other people they had who didn't tip. I'm not sure if this was just banter or if they were trying to elicit me to give them a big tip, but it's just something to make note of.
A couple of hours after the move was over, I noticed 3 items (tray tables - total value $30) were missing. I called the company and got Michelle. She said the guys were already off for the day, but they could check the truck. They checked it and the items weren't there, so she said they'd talk to the guys the next day and give me a call back. I never received a call back.
A week later I finally called up and got Ann. She told me that she'd investigate and find out what happened and call me back. I had forgotten about it, then 2 weeks later I called her and she said she thought we had talked and the matter was closed. Then she said she recalled leaving a message on my answering service, but I had never gotten any message. In any case, she said that she had talked to the guys and they remember putting the items in my new place and that regardless they could not be held responsible for missing items. I'm not sure why they think I'd lie about $30 worth of items, but whatever.
The complete failure with respect to customer service on the parts of Ann and Michelle forces me to give this place 1 star.