| - This is the coolest, most health-conscious consumer friendly store there is. It's also brand new. It has tons of organic, eco-friendly products, and there is a wide selection (unlike the Trader Joe's next door). You can shop at Whole Foods for all your groceries (unlike Trader Joe's). They also have a separate area for coffee drinks, juicing bar, pizzeria, bakery, salad bar, sandwiches, and multi-cultural prepared cuisine. There is a specific register set up for this side of the store (cool!). The sandwich bar is even made of re-purposed corks!
Only a few downsides.
1. Price
2. Allowance of Caramel Color while outlawing others (Trader Joe's is guilty too). There is no store that is against caramel color yet. That is sad.
I love Whole Foods, and it was very refreshing to find out the store was opening up in the heart of Phoenix. I wish I could shop there after about a year of going, but it gets too pricey for me and my wife and baby. We still stop by for certain things at times, and completely recommend the store to anyone.
*Get the Straus Ice Cream. o_o;
*And the Liberte Coconut Yogurt.
*Sandwiches there are awesome and only around $8.
*So much variety of organic produce!!