| - Hmm. I guess I'm an outlier, but I figured I should let others know about my less-than-stellar experience here.
I'd been seeing the same dentist in north Phoenix every six months for three years before moving to Mesa, and was worried I wouldn't find anyone I liked as much. But I was encouraged by the positive Yelp reviews for George Carr's office so I made an appointment for a cleaning and exam.
At my final appointment with my old dentist six months previous, I was declared free of cavities. Then Dr Carr examined me and gave me a list of about 10 things I needed fixed in my mouth.
I allowed him to work on a couple that he had listed as the highest priority, but when I left that appointment it just wasn't sitting right with me. How could my last dentist have missed all that stuff? Dr Carr was condescending when I asked him that, and it really felt like I was being shamed for the condition of my teeth. I take really good care of my teeth, so this was a first for me! (Oh, this reminds me: different staff member even tried to push orthodontia on me, which is almost laughable: I have ONE TOOTH on the bottom that is almost imperceptibly crooked.) Anyway, I ignored all of their calls and emails (trying to set up additional appointments to finish the other 8 items on the list) and waited out the insurance-required 6 months until I could get another opinion with a different dentist.
Long story short(ish), the new dentist I just saw yesterday said that I am cavity free and that I don't need ANY work done. Sure, there are a couple of little spots he wants to keep an eye on for the next several visits, but nothing that requires immediate work. Some of the old fillings that Dr Carr said I needed to have replaced were just showing signs of staining, not the decay Dr Carr had assured me was eating up my teeth. I'd had a feeling Dr Carr had been overly aggressive in his treatment plan, but I wasn't expecting to have SUCH an extreme conflict of opinion.
There was a lot of other weird stuff, too. Several Yelpers have mentioned Dr Carr's off-putting bedside manner, which I didn't think would bug me, but it really did. He's cold, abrupt, and infuses his interactions with a healthy dose of shaming. And I observed a couple of things that seemed to demonstrate that he intimidates his staff. I don't want to elaborate because I know he reads these and I don't want to get anyone into trouble. He also used a dental dam while working on my fillings, which I have NEVER encountered. It was claustrophobic and almost dehumanizing.
Wow this is long. TL;DR -- dentist is too aggressive in his treatments, and not very nice to patients or (seemingly) staff.
Also, they offer perks for positive Yelp Take all of them with a grain of salt.