| - I love breakfast, the most important meal of the day! Breakfast can make all the difference between me being a cranky witch and me being the normal, cheery self that I am. It's hard to find a good breakfast place in the city (though timmies isn't too shabby), which is weird because it ain't that hard to prepare breakfast in the first place.
After going to Eggspectations, I stand by my previous comment, it's slam hard to find good brekkie in the city! This restaurant is the cutest thing, just look at their logo or their menu! I'm a woman of habit and I ordered their pancakes. Meh, I've had better. In fact, I've made better! They weren't horrible, it's hard to do horrible pancakes, unless they are raw battery on the inside, OR they are charred! They were neither at Eggspectations, but just not great!
I had great eggspectations for this place, and was sourly disappointed! Go to the food network and look up some breakfast recipes. It's really not that difficult to make and will taste so much better than mediocre food here.