| - I don't understand how this office has so many 5-star reviews. We've been taking our kids there for years but I think I'm over it. The wait times are HORRENDOUS. I know that moms will understand, especially toddler and infant moms. When you have a sick child and you schedule an APPOINTMENT, you'd assume that you are going to see your doctor within the hour of the appointment. We've sat in the waiting room for more than an hour on multiple occasions. Of course there are emergencies, pressing issues, etc...but HIRE more staff or please, stop taking new patients.
Now - the appointment schedulers? Please be more friendly. On more than one occasion, I've been rushed off the phone. I hate feeling "guilty" about calling in for an appointment. I feel like I'm bothering them,
The doctors? Um. Yeah. I won't mention the Dr. by name but he has misdiagnosed my child on SO many occasions that I cannot understand how he is still practicing. He seems jaded, overworked and frustrated by children. He has dismissed my concerns more than once and he has been wrong (based on second opinions).
Also - the doctors on staff tend to completely disagree with one another. There is definitely an alarmist female doctor on staff there. Once, I brought my daughter in to see her, didn't feel satisfied, so brought her back the next day only to have a completely opposite diagnosis by the male doctor that we usually see.
I'm just no longer comfortable there. It is a factory - not a family practice (in my opinion).