Continue to not recommend this business.
It's a professional embarrassment that a business like this is operating. I'd think as a man you would be able to handle feedback from a paying customer, but it's behavior like this that we can see your true character. UNPROFESSIONAL and CHILDISH. It's quite shocking that you would insult another man's wife in a forum like this. Behavior like a 14 year old boy behind a screen. Wish you the best in your business.
I am still growing my hair out from this poor haircut almost a month later.
Do not recommend. I spoke to the manager after my cut and was offered a full refund.
I presented my barber a picture of my previous haircut, and he promptly proceeded with cutting my hair disregarding my request with a high and tight. Completely butchered my hair.
I've noted that the owner proceeds to insult poor reviews of his/her store. In a measure to address this before hand, I'd like to offer the public a food for thought. In a business that's primary purpose is service to the customer, how does this reflect on their service to earn your respect and money? Disappointed with the haircut, and now I'm walking around the next two weeks embarrassed of my hair.