Haha. I keep going places with my mom that I WISH I was going to with a first date. Seriously! If someone took me to Yuk Yuk's on a first date (after an awesome meal), they'd AT LEAST get some gratitude sex.
It's a comedy club. I don't know if there's much more to say. They serve food and alcohol. The comedic value of the speakers was fairly good, ranging from flippin' gut-rippin to that's-not-really-that-funny... One guy had a vulgar type of humor which I wasn't so into. But then again, another guy stuck his hand into a girls nachos because she kept talking during his skit. So it goes either way depending on what you're into. You're guaranteed to at least laugh at SOMETHING. And if you're that hard to get going, than perhaps you should spend MORE time here. Maybe some of the joy will rub off on you.
Didn't give it five stars because the bathrooms are way too far away from the seats, and when you're in heels, you don't want to have to climb two floors after rubbing yourself up against everyone as you pass them by in the aisles....