Walking around looking for new kicks can get exhausting. We were heading back when I noticed this store. Didn't even hesitate turning right into this cute little shop. Although there wasn't anyone to immediately greet us, I didn't really care as I was drooling over the beautiful selection of macarons.
A older lady comes walking out from the back and I'm not even sure if she said hello. Oh well, because I was still fixated at the selections. She might have said something but my only senses active were the eyes.
Anyway, we opted for the gingerbread and Columbian coffee. While I appreciated my gingerbread because it wasn't overlysweet as well as its texture, I didn't really enjoy the refrigerated temp. Is the glass casing a cooler or something? Then I tried my husband's choice of macaron and his tasted even much more colder than mine was. Then I wondered if these macarons are made in shop because it certainly did not have that homely macaron vibe i like. A cold pastry or such dessert hinders you from being able to experience it properly. The temp changes its texture and may even mask it's flavor a bit.
For the 2 macarons it came out to either 5.19 or 5.91. I forgot, dyslexia and amnesia just kicked in. But pretty steep for something unmemorable. The only memory I have was how refrigerated it tasted with a hint of ginger from my macaron.
I wouldn't drive out my way just to come here, and I don't recommend you doing the same to be honest. Wanted to love it, just didnt. Doubt I'll go in for a second shot because I prefer dropping my money on the ones which don't taste fresh out the freezer/fridge. Besides, there are lots of local shops who make their own macarons in shop across the valley for a more memorable experience. Had my macaron been at a warmer temp, maybe I'd have something different to type.
Should've went to cinnabon.