Ugh...... I loved Teddy's, but in an effort to bring me some happiness in my sleep deprived state my husband brought me home a tiramisu cup tonight. I was like oh this is pretty good, then I started to get to the bottom of the cup and there was this liquid in it and I take a bite. I didn't think anything of it (like I said sleep deprived) but my husband takes a spoonful and asks, "what's this runny stuff?" I responded with "caramel?" (Why would there be caramel in tiramisu?? Hello Brenda!) He said no its raw eggs. Totally NOT cool!!!! I can't afford to get food poisoning with a 5 month old baby dependent on me, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. I'm totally disappointed in Teddy's because it was one of my favorite places to go to, but I won't be back for awhile. Please make sure your baked goods are cooked before selling to people.