| - This is one of the new stable of eateries on the 40th that is getting a lot of buzz. It's right next door to The Vig, and is always busy on weekends, which is the only time I can make it in. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the joint, with Formica tables and a retro, midwestern feeling to it. The only drawback for me was that the tables may be a little too close to each other, and if you are not totally thrilled with being a part of everyone's conversation, it may not be the spot on a *hungover* weekend AM. I had the Wolfpack, which is a layering of hash browns and scrambled eggs, with bacon throughout. Pretty good, but I was thinking at the time I could use a bit of salsa, or at least a stripe of Sriracha. Price-wise, it was a bit more than a Waffle House, but less than a Rita's Kitchen. So, that would be - two dollar signs... I also tried the Over Easy location at the Ice Den up on Bell Rd. Much more quiet when I was in there, but that might not have been a good thing. This is the better of the two, IMO.