| - Though I can't honestly say I am nuts for the food, nor ever have been. At least this place is a short walk away from my hotel and provides food and drinks. A few laughs for sure, people watching, and observing a handful of other people, whom I imagine are on business travel as well, sitting at the bar by themselves endlessly staring at their iphone or blackberry (like I do); pounding back drinks and burning off the idle time the best they can.
That's basically what this place is for in my eyes!
Normally you wouldn't catch me in a TGI Friday's because it usually consists of sub average food, stuff that is just OK but nothing overall exciting, and to be honest they tend to be good for after work drinks and or a luncheon with co-workers. A place to pound back a few beers, talk shit about other coworkers, and maybe eat a few nacho's to only go home and talk about the drunk co-worker who had one to many and began making inappropriate comments to office hottie.
We've all been in this movie!
However, this spot is actually not half bad. I am not raving about the food here, more less the overall entertainment value it has played while on travel for business. Simply put, this is a spot I can walk in, hit the bar, order me some avg food, have a few drinks while watching the game, and at the end of it all; if all was calculated out correctly. I've spend a good hour or two which is an hour or two I am not stuck in a hotel room.
That said, this place is great for that. If you are traveling for business, bored, and need a simple place to hangout, grab a bite, and a drink. This is for you.
The staff here is really cool too. That helps with the environment for sure. I've gotten tips from what there is to do around here to general good conversations. Which is nice for not feeling like a complete loner who is perched at a bar looking at an iphone, staring at the other loners doing the same thing!