| - I can't say enough about what Brenda has done for us. My husband and I rescued Pepper and knew he was the dog for us despite the expected behavior problems coming from a rescued pup! She helped me identify the core of our issues with Pepper, and we faced them head-on! I had a perfectly behaved dog inside my apartment; sit, stay, free, park it (code for go lay down)- no problem! Our struggle was on walks and going anywhere. Pepper is an incredibly protective pup, and any dog or cat we saw, from any distance, would evoke jumping and barking which was incredibly impactful on our lifestyle. I had zero control over him outside of the apartment. Brenda taught me how to gain control outside of my home, and brought a variety of different dogs to increase Pepper's tolerance to dogs and to practice my new favorite term "LEAVE IT!".
Long story short, we are still working everyday to improve Pepper's socialization, but we recently had a doggy play date and he did AMAZING! I can go on walks without an overwhelming feeling of panic, walk by cats without worry, and can even take the occasional hike when we know we only have to practice "leave it" a few times :) I am no longer afraid to take our dog for a long walk, or to bring him to new places!