My friend's uncle recommended a Chinese spot for noodles and dumplings by the Rio and Gold Coast casinos. Took some guessing and hoping, but we finally figured that he had meant the Noodles Exchange in the Gold Coast.
Like many of the casino restaurants, it was an open style just off the casino space. Unlike many of the casino restaurants, there was a rather high Asian population at this establishment. We figured that boded well for our meal.
We each picked a personal soup noodle dish and shared a plate of Garlic Snow Pea Leaves $10. Mine was the Won Ton Noodle Soup with Beef Stew (shrimp & pork fillings) $10.99.
It was satisfying to have something green in our meal after a week of not eating particularly healthy while on vacation. And their noodles and wontons were quite good. In fact, one of my DCs voiced that it was better than what we currently can get in Boston.