I don't really feel like breaking out the "funny machine" for the bad reviews, so I'll just be quick and to the point.
This coffee shop looks and sounds as if it was designed and named by someone who hates good coffee shops.
The products available to eat look (and maybe this is the real clue to understanding the place) like they were curated by someone whose fear of failure and risk aversion were so great as to be in themselves the unavoidable causes of certain failure. No one who cares about eating would ever put together such a random smattering of treats. Sure enough, however, just like the busted clock being right once a day, that random smattering results in a pretty groovy little shortbread cookie.
The people who sit here (and I include myself in their number) look like half-assed hippies or suburbanites in fugue states. I can only imagine that they find each other mutually depressing.