Looking for a fun place to party with your canine friends?! Grab your leash and drag your human down to the dog bar because this place is all about us: the dogs!
Leave that string of restraint at the door and let loose your inner puppy that the humans won't let you do at home. (No running in the house Fido! Scratching up my bamboo floors...) But you can run here! Have a ball of a time with the regular pals and meet some new guys and gals too. Keep it clean - any bar fights and they'll boot you to the curb and tie you to a sign alone! (Same applies for the humans!) Go anywhere you like and literally "go" anywhere you like - the floors can handle it. (Sorry humans, this only applies to the dogs - it's a sign you've had one too many!)
Water is around by the bucket! (Spirits by the bucket-load for humans!) Space caters to canines for wrestling matches, rope tug-o-war and some light fetch. But it might be a good idea to stay "in bounds" inside the fences. Watch out for the little humper - we all know he's trying to make up for his size with a little bit of a domination Napoleon complex. And be sure to give any human that dares to walk in here food-in-hand the group stare down because they just ought to know better! Teasing us dogs that way... Most of all just have a dog-on good ol' time because that keeps the humans hanging ten with beer in hand. (See it can be good fun for all!)