We came in without reservations on a Saturday night and quickly got a table. I'm a fan of Roy's Hawaiian fusion, and so when I saw the menu closely resembled it, I was happy.
I got a mai tai, and was only able to drink about 1 centimeter of it. This drink was way too strong! I'm not normally someone who says this, or wastes alcohol, but there was just something wrong with the way it was made!
I ordered my favorite fish - the butterfish. Needless to say, it was not so buttery. I suppose I should not have expected much, because I should not be ordering fish in when I'm in the middle of a desert. How can anyone overcook butterfish? My butterfish was so dry - OK not dry like mahi mahi, but way too dry to be butterfish. About 1 square inch of the center of my fish had the right buttery good soft flavor that should have been the entire fish.