| - So, Andrea and I decided to head to Cheesecake Factory for my birthday celebration on Friday night. I've always loved Cheesecake factory for a lot of reasons, and have yet to find a reason to NOT love it here. They have such a great menu selection, the decor is always nice, and I love how theres tons of space to dine, socialize and hang out.
Anyways, I got there first so we could get a seat. It was busy, but thats not a surprise since it was a Friday night. The girls at the counter were nice and friendly, and told me the wait was only going to be about 15 minutes. (not bad!) They gave me a buzzer and I waited in the lobby area for Andrea.
Anyways, I was seating rather quickly, which was nice! Our server was friendly and cool, and immediately asked what we would like to drink. I got some water, and Andrea got some Iced Tea.
We studied the menu for a minute, and I ended up getting the shepards pie. I could really have almost any one of thier dinners here, and find that I will like what they serve me regardless. I love the variety!
Anyways, I was happy becuase I felt like our server was available, and even tho it was busy, she didnt make me feel like that, and that was awesome!
Anyways, I still love this place and its just awesome. Great place to bring anyone! Parents, dates, friends, whatever. I really don't think you can go wrong here.