Ain't nothing but a 'scup, y'all. It's got your standard scuppy acooterments, from the wall-to-wall brown finishes, that Second-cup-smell (it's cross between burnt chocolate and grandmother) and comforable seating.
At the southeast corner of Front and Church the windows are great for letting in lots of natural light or for looking wistfully out into the intersection and wondering where your life went wrong. Then you take another sip of your vanilla bean latte and sigh. You could have been a dancer. You shouldn't have given up so easily.
Mm, that's a good vanilla bean latte.
Obligatory Title Pun: Need a SECOND chance?
Menu Readability: I refuse to dignify this with a response.
Need to mention: Two hours of free wifi.
What this place teaches me about myself: The southeast is the most wistful of intersection corners.