| - Well hello yogurt! I stumbled upon a Yogurty's oasis on a extremely humid day-. Walking in, I was expecting to order my frozen yogurt and go, but was pleasantly surprised by the 'do-it-yourself' concept. There is a HUGE variety of yogurt flavours and toppings. Everything is by the weight. It was really fun deciding how to make my own creation. I settled on the greek yogurt, with cheesecake, strawberry, and white chocolate toppings.
My dish was a modest serving size, less than 1/3 full of the serving container, so it cost only $3.60. I can foresee filling the entire container would be an expensive (but satisfying) endeavour. My dish totally hit the spot- I will be back at Yogurty's for future fun creations!
The establishment itself is so new, it had the 'new car smell'. The service person was friendly and after noticing my puzzled expression, explained the process of making my own yogurt dish. There are a couple tables and chairs inside, and its air conditioned. There was only one other customer around at the time (~2pm), I hope this place gets more business in the evening!