I've been going to Whole Foods for almost 20 years (when they were still called Fresh Fields back East). Of all the WFs I've shopped at, this is the worst. On repeated occasions, I've purchased produce there that was half rotten. My most recent example is a small net sack of sweet onions. There were maybe a half dozen in the bag. All but two were not usable. Yes, I realize that I have a responsibility to check produce. And, yes, I admit that I'm not good about doing it. However, this rarely happens at the other local grocers such as Fry's or Safeway and never happens at Costco where organic produce is about half the price as it is at WF.
I had given up on WF when a Sprouts opened in the same area about 2 years ago. The day I got the onions, I was in a hurry and was right by WF. This experience reaffirmed my belief that WF provides inferior quality at the highest prices. Also their cheese selection has really deteriorated. Fry's has a much better selection of imported cheese at much better prices. Costco also.
Hopefully Amazon will fix WF. I only have ever had this problem at the Mayo Blvd. location.