I ordered my first suit ever today, exciting huh?! I went to menswear completely lost. There was an older gentleman working their named Bob Gould. He had a formal wear down to an art! He eyeballed me, and was able to pick a suit that fit like a glove just by doing that.
Being 6'4 finding clothes that fit is hard enough as it is, I would have been lost without him. He had an amazing dry sense of humor, and I felt like he truly cared about me. On top of all of this he found me a fantastic suit by Calvin Klein for far below the price tag of 800 dollars.
After we found a suit that worked for me he measured me, so he could do custom tailoring. He even game me advice on how to properly wear it.
Bob Gould not only sold me a suit, he gave me an education in formal wear. I felt genuinely cared for, and will immediately go back to him when I get that special job, and need more formal wear.
Thanks Bob, you are truly the suit sensei!